How to Take Pictures Through Your Google Business Profile

Google wants to know who you are, what your business does and where you do it. Step one would be understand where you where you rank locally for what service, the best way to do this would be run a local grid for a keyword, we offer a free one CLICK HERE. Once you know where you rank locally, use these following steps and upload pictures taken within the areas you want to improve ranking. Why does this work? Pictures taken through the app will offer a massive trust factor to Google, it’s also FREE to try yourself! 

Google operates off trust, this is a major trust signal that can’t be duplicated or outsources which is why it helps with ranking. Another aspect is the unique photo being uploaded as well as the location it was taken. This method if fully free and just one piece of a holistic approach to making your profile more visible to Google for the services you provide. Call us or fill out the form below to see how we can help you.

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